Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

The Band of Brothers miniseries details, if at times exaggerated or condensed, the real-life exploits of Easy Company during the Second World War over the course of ten episodes, starting with their jump training at the Currahee training site in Toccoa, Georgia and ending with the capitulation of Germany. The experiences of Major Richard Winters (1918–) are a primary focus, as he attempts to keep his men together and safe. While the series stars a large ensemble cast, episodes generally feature one character prominently, following their particular actions during certain events (for example, the Siege of Bastogne and Operation Market Garden).

As the series is based on real-life events, the fate of the characters is the same as their real world counterparts. Numerous characters either die or sustain injuries, some of which lead to them being sent home or escaping from the hospital to rejoin their comrades at the battlefront. The experiences and the moral, mental, and physical hurdles the soldiers must overcome are central to the story.
Download Band of Brothers:

Band of Brothers Episode 01 - Currahee

Band of Brothers Episode 02 - Day Of Days

Band of Brothers Episode 03 - Carentan

Band of Brothers Episode 04 - Replacements

Band of Brothers Episode 05 - Crossroads

Band of Brothers Episode 06 - Bastogne

Band of Brothers Episode 07 - The Breaking Point

Band of Brothers Episode 08 - The Last Patrol

Band of Brothers Episode 09 - Why We Fight

Band of Brothers Episode 10 - Points

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

When a naïve young Dorian (Ben Barnes) arrives in Victorian London, he is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic Lord Henry Wotton (Colin Firth), who introduces Dorian to the hedonistic pleasures of the city. Henry's friend, society artist Basil Hallward (Ben Chaplin), paints a portrait of Dorian to capture the full power of his youthful beauty. When the portrait is unveiled, Dorian makes a flippant pledge: he would give anything to stay as he is in the picture — even his soul.

Dorian meets and falls in love with young budding actress Sibyl Vane (Rachel Hurd-Wood). After a few weeks, he proposes marriage to her, but after Henry tells Dorian that having children is "the beginning of the end", Dorian and Sibyl argue and he leaves her; the next day he learns from her brother "Jim" (James) that she killed herself and that she was going to have Dorian's child before she did. His initial grief disappears as Henry persuades him that all events are mere experiences and without consequence, and his hedonistic lifestyle worsens, distancing him from a concerned Basil. Dorian goes home to find the portrait of himself warped and twisted and realises that his pledge has come true; while the portrait ages he remains ever-youthful, while his sins show as physical defects on the canvas. The chaos of the picture of Dorian Gray starts, leading to him actually killing Basil and dumping the body in the Thames after Basil sees the portrait.

Having left London to travel for some years, Dorian returns to find himself becoming close to Henry's daughter, Emily, a member of the suffragette movement, despite Henry's distaste for such a relationship based on Dorian's lifestyle. Although Dorian appears genuinely interested in changing his ways as he spends time with Emily, matters are complicated when he is confronted by Sibyl's brother James, seeking revenge for his sister's death; despite Dorian's attempts to drive off his suspicions by pointing out his apparent age, James nevertheless deduces Dorian's true identity, only to be killed in a fight in the underground. As Dorian makes arrangements to leave London with Emily, Henry's study of old photographs makes him realise how little Dorian has changed, prompting him to go to Dorian's house, where he discovers the portrait. In the subsequent confrontation between the two men, the portrait catches on fire, driving Dorian to send Henry and Emily out of the house as his years catch up with him, his last act being to stab the portrait.

A few months later, Henry is shown attempting to convince his ex-wife to allow him to talk to Emily, one side of his face badly burned by the fire, and the now-youthful portrait of Dorian Gray kept in his attic.

pass : black

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

FL Studio is marketed with multiple versions, each representing a feature set at a specific price point. Basic features of FL Studio are available in the Express Edition, the use of which is reduced to a simple drum-machine. The Fruity, Producer, and XXL editions further introduce more features, such as the ability to use the DAW itself as a VST plugin. The most complete edition, XXL, comes with many bundled effects and synthesizers which Image-Line normally sells separately as VST plugins. However, following version 9.0 of FL Studio, the XXL edition was discontinued in favour of the Signature edition. Complete comparisons of the various editions are provided at a link at the bottom of this article. Most of the editions of FL Studio also have a boxed sold online and stores of music retailers.

FL Studio is written in Borland Delphi a version of Pascal and thus there are no finalized plans to develop a native 64 Windows , Linux or Mac OS X port as there is no Mac version for Borland Delphi, aside from the non-Borland Delphi compilers OpenPascal, FreePascal, Virtual Pascal and GNU Pascal. As of September 2008, the Image-Line website indicates that the company supports users running FL Studio on Intel based Apple hardware via Boot Camp.

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Pada periode Warring, di negara bagian Wei, hiduplah seorang pemuda bernama Leyangtsi. Ia memiliki istri yang sangat baik dan berbudi luhur, yang sangat ia cintai.
Suatu hari, Leyang menemukan uang emas dalam perjalanan pulangnya, dan ia sangat gembira berlari pulang secepat mungkin dan memberikan uang itu kepada istrinya.
Anehnya, istrinya tidak mau menerimanya dan berkata dengan lembut, “Suamiku, seorang lelaki sejati tidak pernah minum air curian. Mengapa kamu membawa pulang emas yang bukan milik kita? Pasti sang pemilik sedang kebingungan mencari-cari barang ini di tempat yang tadi ia lewati." Leyang tersentuh akan kata-kata istrinya, dan ia mengembalikan uang emas itu ke tempat tadi ditemukan.

Setahun kemudian, Leyang menempuh studi lebih lanjut ke luar daerah, sehingga istrinya tinggal sendiri di rumahnya di desa.  Di tengah-tengah masa studinya, Leyang merasa sangat rindu ingin bertemu sang istri, dan ia pulang ke rumah. Istrinya sedang menenun kain di kamar dan merasa kaget saat mengetahui suaminya pulang, bertanya mengapa ia kembali begitu cepat. Suaminya menjelaskan alasannya. Istrinya menjadi marah dan mengambil gunting, diguntingnya putus setengah dari kain tenunannya yang sudah susah payah dibuatnya tadi, membuat  suaminya bingung. Istrinya berkata, “Bila sesuatu dihentikan di tengah jalan, bagaikan menggunting kain yang sedang ditenun.  Kain hanya dapat berguna saat ia selesai ditenun. Namun kini ia tak berharga, sama seperti sekolahmu.”

Leyang sangat tersentuh akan nasihat istrinya. Ia segera kembali melanjutkan studinya, dan tidak pulang sampai ia lulus dan mendapat pekerjaan yang baik. Kisah ini sering diceritakan di kalangan rakyat Tiongkok agar anak-cucu memiliki semangat memperjuangkan cita-cita.  (Erabaru/yqm)

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Tak peduli apa pun karir yang kita miliki, kita harus memandang penting moral dan dengan serius dan mengikuti standar tinggi dalam beretika, karena itu adalah nilai dasar sebagai manusia.

Dalam sebuah buku berjudul Zhuan Falun tertulis, Kebajikan adalah terakumulasi dalam kehidupan sebelumnya, menjadi raja, pejabat, kaya dan kedudukan terhormat semua dihasilkan dari kebajikan. Tanpa kebajikan, tidak ada yang dapat diperoleh, kehilangan kebajikan berarti sirna segalanya. Oleh sebab itu, orang yang mengejar kekuasaan dan mencari kekayaan harus terlebih dahulu mengumpulkan kebajikan menanggung penderitaan dan melakukan perbuatan baik dapat mengumpulkan banyak kebajikan. Untuk itu haruslah mengerti prinsip sebab akibat, dengan memahami hal ini, maka pemerintah dan rakyat dapat mengendalikan hatinya masing-masing, dunia akan makmur dan damai.

Sebagai seorang yang berkultivasi, kebajikan adalah substansi putih yang benar-benar nyata, yang membawa berkah bagi seseorang. Karma hitam diperoleh ketika seseorang 
melakukan hal-hal buruk dan ini akan membawa kemalangan. Oleh karena itu, sebagai guru harus mengikuti etika seorang guru, seorang pengusaha harus mengikuti etika berbisnis, seorang dokter harus mengikuti etika medis, seorang pejabat harus mengikuti 
kode etik yang ada, dan sebagainya. Berikut ini adalah kisah tentang bagaimana seorang dokter terkenal bernama Mr. Wan Quan pada Dinasti Ming mengikuti etika medis dan melepaskan kebencian terhadap orang lain.

Mr. Wan Quan, dikenal juga sebagai Quanren dan Mizhai, adalah seorang dokter yang dihormati pada zaman Dinasti Ming. Ia lahir di Tahun Hongzhi ke-11 (1498 A.D.) (sekarang: Lotuian County, Provinsi Hubei). Tidak hanya sangat terampil 
di bidang kedokteran, tapi juga mengikuti etika medis yang tinggi. Dia perhatian dan 
pemaaf. Ketika ada orang yang mempunyai konflik dengannya dan orang ini sedang sakit, ia tetap berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mengobati mereka, memperlakukan mereka sama seperti pasien yang lain.

Mr. Wan Quan mempunyai sebuah konflik ketika masih muda dengan sesama penduduk kota bernama Mr. Hu Yuanxi. Mr. Hu mempunyai anak berusia empat tahun yang sedang menderita penyakit batuk darah yang sulit disembuhkan. Selama delapan bulan, Mr. Hu membawa anaknya berobat ke banyak dokter, tetapi tak satu pun dari mereka bisa menyembuhkan anaknya. Mr. Hu tidak punya pilihan selain meminta bantuan Mr. Wan Quan.

Mengikuti prinsip-prinsip menyelamatkan orang lain, melepaskan kebencian dan persoalan di masa lalu, Mr. Wan segera mulai mengobati putra Mr. Hu. Setelah diagnosa 
Mr. Wan mengatakan kepada Mr. Hu bahwa ia bisa menyembuhkan penyakit putranya, tapi membutuhkan waktu satu bulan. Setelah Mr. Wan memberikan lima dosis obat, anak Mr. Hu memperlihatkan peningkatan.

Namun, Mr. Hu Yuanxi khawatir Mr. Wan mungkin tidak mencoba sebaik-baiknya untuk mengobati anaknya disebabkan konflik mereka di masa lalu. Dia berpikir satu bulan adalah waktu yang lama dan itu menunjukkan Mr. Wan tidak benar-benar ingin membantunya, sehingga ia beralih ke dokter lain yaitu Mr. Wan Shao.

Beberapa orang berbicara dengan Mr. Wan Quan dan berkata, "Sejak Mr. Hu tidak ingin Anda mengobati putranya, sejak itu Anda seharusnya meninggalkannya sendirian dan tidak memperdulikanya. "Tapi Mr. Wan Quan menjawab, "Dia hanya memiliki satu anak. Tak seorang pun dapat menyembuhkan anaknya tetapi saya mampu menyembuhkanya. Jika saya pergi, Mr. Hu tidak akan datang untuk meminta bantuan lagi. Kemudian 
anaknya akan berada dalam bahaya. Jika anaknya meninggal, meskipun saya tidak membunuhnya, tapi Saya tetap bertanggung jawab. "Jadi, ia berkata," Saya harus tinggal di sini melihat apa yang dokter lain lakukan. Jika apa yang mereka lakukan benar, saya akan pergi. Tetapi jika mereka melakukan sesuatu yang salah, saya akan berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk menghentikan mereka. Jika saya tidak bisa menghentikan mereka, maka saya akan pergi. "

Ketika Mr. Wan Quan melihat resep yang diberikan Mr. Wan Shao, ia tahu itu bukan resep yang sesuai untuk anak itu, ini bisa berbahaya jika anak itu mengambilnya, maka ia mengarahkan untuk tidak memakai resep itu. Namun, Wan Shao menolak untuk mendengarkan dan bersikeras bahwa resepnya benar. Mr. Wan Quan dengan serius mengatakan kepada Shao, "Saya tidak ada masalah dengan Anda. Saya hanya prihatin pada anak itu. "

Melihat tak seorang pun akan menerima saran yang dia berikan, Mr. Wan Quan memutuskan untuk pergi. Tetapi dia masih sangat khawatir dengan anak itu. Sebelum pergi, ia menyentuh kepala anak itu dengan lembut dan berkata kepada ayahnya, "Untuk permulaan biarkan dia mengambil dosis kecil dari obat baru dan Apa yang akan ia lakukan jika penyakitnya datang kembali? "

Setelah diberikan secangkir kecil obat, gejala anak itu kembali bahkan 
lebih buruk daripada sebelumnya, persis seperti prediksi Mr. Wan Quan. Anak itu menangis, dan berkata " Obat Mr. Wan Quan lebih baik. Dokter baru mencoba meracuni saya."

Mr. Hu Yuanxi sangat menyesal dan pergi untuk meminta bantuan Mr. Wan Quan 
lagi. Mr. Wan Quan tidak membiarkan pengobatan dan sikap Mr. Hu sebelumnya 
mengganggu dirinya. Dia berkata kepada Mr. Hu, "Jika Anda mendengarkan saya sebelumnya, ini tidak akan terjadi. Sekarang jika Anda benar-benar ingin Saya mengobati anak Anda, Anda harus percaya pada Saya sepenuhnya. Tolong beri saya sebulan dan Saya akan merawatnya. "

Mr. Hu Yuanxi memberikan anaknya untuk dirawat oleh Mr. Wan Quan. hanya butuh waktu 17 hari untuk anak itu pulih sepenuhnya. Keluarga Mr. Hu sangat berterima kasih kepada Mr. Wan Quan.

HJSplit 2.4
Very nice looking freeware file splitter (screenshot). It splits files of any type and size. Does not need to be installed. Just click on hjsplit.exe and the program starts. This program can even handle files which are larger than 10Gb!     New! Updated on July 10, 2009 To download HJSplit (344 Kb), just click on one of the links below:
 For Windows XP, Vista, 2000, NT, 98, 95, ME.

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Ada sebuah kisah rakyat Mongolia yang menarik untuk kita simak...

Pada jaman dahulu, di dataran padang rumput Mongolia, hiduplah seorang pemburu yang baik hati yang bernama Hailibu. Tiap selesai berburu, dia akan selalu membagikan daging-daging tersebut untuk penduduk desa yang lain dan dia hanya menyisakan sedikit bagian untuk dirinya sendiri. Perhatiannya un-tuk orang lain membuat dia begitu dihargai di desa itu.

Suatu hari, saat sedang berburu di dalam hutan, Hailibu mendengar suara tangisan dari langit. Sambil menatap ke atas, dia melihat seekor makhluk kecil yang ditangkap oleh seekor burung Hering yang amat besar. Dengan cepat, dia mengarahkan busur panahnya ke arah predator tersebut. Karena terkena bidikan panah tersebut, si burung raksasa melepaskan mangsanya.

Hailibu menatap ke arah makhluk aneh tersebut yang memiliki tubuh menyerupai seekor ular. Dan berkata,"Makhluk yang menyedihkan (kasihan), cepat pulanglah." Makhluk itu menjawab, "Wahai pemburu yang baik, saya sangat berterima kasih karena anda telah menyelamatkan nyawaku. Sebenarnya, saya adalah putri raja Naga, dan saya yakin ayahku akan memberikan anda hadiah sebagai ucapan terima kasih. Beliau mempunyai banyak harta benda yang dapat anda miliki. Tetapi jika tiada satu pun harta benda yang berkenan bagimu, anda dapat meminta batu ajaib yang beliau simpan di dalam mulutnya. Siapapun yang memiliki batu ajaib itu, dia akan memahami semua bahasa hewan."

Hailibu si pemburu tidak tertarik dengan segala harta benda, tetapi kemampuan untuk dapat memahami berbagai macam bahasa hewan membuatnya sangat tertarik. Kemudian, dia bertanya kepada si Putri Naga, "Apakah itu benar-benar batu ajaib?" Si putri menjawab, "Benar. Tetapi apapun yang anda dengar dari hewan-hewan tersebut, anda harus menyimpannya untuk diri anda sendiri. Jika anda memberitahukan kepada orang lain, maka anda akan berubah menjadi batu."

Lalu, si Putri Naga itu membawa Hailibu ke pinggir laut. Saat mereka mendekati laut, tiba-tiba air terbelah dengan cepat, sehingga Hailibu dapat berjalan seperti saat berada di jalan yang amat lebar. Tak lama kemudian, tampaklah sebuah istana yang berkilau, di mana tempat tinggal si raja Naga.
Raja Naga amat bahagia saat mendengar Hailibu telah menyelamatkan putrinya, dan dia kemudian menawarkan segala harta benda yang Hailibu inginkan dari istananya. Setelah terdiam beberapa saat, Hailibu menjawab, "Jika Baginda ingin memberi saya sesuatu sebagai hadiah, bolehkah saya meminta batu ajaib yang ada di mulut Baginda raja?"

Raja Naga menurunkan kepalanya, berpikir sejenak. Kemudian, dia mengeluarkan batu tersebut dari mulutnya dan memberikannya kepada Hailibu.

Saat akan berpisah, si Putri Naga mengulangi kembali pesannya untuk Hailibu, "Pemburu yang baik, hendaklah anda ingat untuk tidak memberitahukan kepada siapapun tentang apapun yang dikatakan oleh para hewan, jika tidak, anda akan langsung berubah menjadi batu."

Setelah memiliki batu ajaib di mulutnya, Hailibu semakin menikmati perburuannya di hutan. Dia mengerti semua bahasa hewan, dan dia juga dapat mengetahui hewan apa saja yang dapat ia buru, beserta lokasi di mana hewan tersebut berada. Dengan kemampuan ini, dia menghasilkan lebih banyak lagi daging hewan buruannya dan ia dapat membagikannya kepada para penduduk desa.

Beberapa tahun kemudian....

Pada suatu hari, saat sedang berada di gunung, Hailibu mendengar sekumpulan burung sedang bercakap-cakap tentang sesuatu hal yang amat penting. Dia mencoba untuk mendengarkannya dengan seksama. Sang pemimpin berkata, "Kita harus cepat-cepat pindah ke daerah lain. Malam ini, gunung akan meletus dan banjir akan menggenangi seluruh daerah ini. Banyak manusia yang akan mati"

Hailibu amat kaget mendengar hal ini. Dengan tergesesa-gesa, dia lari pulang ke rumahnya, dan menyebarkan berita ini kepada penduduk desa. "Kita harus pergi dari daerah ini secepatnya, Kita tidak dapat tetap tinggal di sini lagi.!" Tentunya, penduduk desa bingung dan kaget,"Tidak ada yang salah selama kita tinggal di sini,lalu kenapa kita harus pindah?". Hailibu tetap berkeras untuk menyampaikan berita ini, tapi tidak ada seorangpun yang percaya. Dengan menangis, Hailibu menjelaskan, "Tolong dengarkan saya, saya dapat bersumpah bahwa apa yang saya katakan itu benar. Percayalah saya, kita harus pergi sekarang sebelum semuanya terlambat"

Seorang tetua mencoba untuk menenangkan Hailibu, "Engkau adalah pemuda yang baik dan selama ini engkau tidak pernah berdusta. Kami sudah menetap di sini dalam kurun waktu yang lama, tapi sekarang engkau meminta kami untuk pindah. Untuk pindah dari tempat ini bukanlah perkara mudah, karena itu engkau harus memberitahukan kepada kami apa alasanmu,anak muda?"

Hailibu merasa putus asa dan tidak menemukan cara lain untuk menyelamatkan penduduk desa. Lalu, dia mencoba menenangkan diri sejenak. Dengan kesungguhan hati, dia berkata kepada penduduk desa. "Malam ini, gunung akan meletus dan sebuah banjir besar akan melanda tempat ini. Kalian dapat lihat sendiri, burungburung telah terbang meninggalkan daerah ini." Kemudian Hailibu menjelaskan perihal bagaimana dia mendapatkan batu ajaib, yang membuatnya mengerti semua bahasa hewan, tapi seharusnya dia harus menyimpannya itu sebagai rahasia, jika tidak, dia akan berubah menjadi batu.

Saat Hailibu bercerita, bagian bawah tubuhnya, mulai dari telapak kaki perlahan-lahan berubah menjadi batu. Setelah dia menyelesaikan seluruh cerita, dia berubah menjadi batu seutuhnya.

Para penduduk desa amat kaget dan merasa amat kehilangan. Mereka menangis, mencurahkan kesedihan mereka yang sedalam-dalamnya, mereka menyesal mengapa tidak mempercayai Hailibu dari awal. Akhir-nya, dengan membawa barang-barang penting mereka dan persediaan makanan, semua penduduk desa (termasuk para tetua dan anak-anak), mereka berjalan dan meninggalkan daerah itu. Mereka terus berjalan hingga malam hari, tiba-tiba awan tebal menyelimuti langit dan angin telah bersiap untuk menderu. Tak lama, turunlah hujan yang amat sangat deras. Dari arah desa, mereka mendengar suara gemuruh dari letusan gunung......
Sudah beberapa generasi telah berlalu, namun para nenek moyang dari desa tersebut tetap dapat mengingat Hailibu, si pemburu yang baik hati. Mereka juga tetap berusaha untuk mencari batu Hailibu.
(The Epoch Times/YY)

Ketika seseorang menilai terlalu tinggi dirinya, ia sering diingatkan: “Jangan seperti Belalang yang berusaha untuk menghentikan kereta.” Pepatah ini berasal dari sebuah kejadian yang terjadi di periode musim semi dan gugur di Tiongkok kuno.

Suatu hari, Raja Qi pergi berburu dengan para pengawalnya dengan disertai iring-iringan kereta, ketika tiba-tiba seekor belalang besar berdiri ditengah jalan dengan kaki depan seperti sebuah sabit yang terhunus, mencoba menghentikan kereta tersebut. Raja Qi yang terkejut melihat aksi belalang itu. Raja kagum atas keberaniannya, termenung sebentar dan berkata, “Sayang dia hanya seekor serangga, bila dia manusia, dia pastilah prajurit paling berani sedunia!” Lalu Raja memerintahkan agar kereta-kereta itu berbalik meninggalkan belalang yang berdiri dengan gagah berani itu.

Ketika orang-orang disekitar Raja mendengar itu, mereka sungguh merasa tersentuh dan bertekad untuk mempersembahkan jiwa mereka kepada negeri.

Lalu seiring dengan berlalunya waktu, arti dari ungkapan yang berubah terbalik. Sekarang pepatah ini berarti bahwa seseorang menilai terlalu tinggi dirinya dan mencoba untuk mempertahankan kekuasaan superior
. (source: Erabaru.net)

While watching a race at McKinley Speedway for a break from studying, college student Nick O'Bannon (Bobby Campo) has a premonition of a car crash which sends debris into the audience, crushing some spectators and resulting in the stadium partially collapsing, which would have killed almost everyone present in the 180 section. In a panic, Nick manages to convince his girlfriend Lori Milligan (Shantel VanSanten), and friends Hunt Wynorski (Nick Zano) and Janet Cunningham (Haley Webb) to leave. The quartet are followed out by a handful of others who have become angry with Nick after he pushes past them to escape. A security guard named George Lanter (Mykelti Williamson) intervenes when everyone begins to argue outside, just as the catastrophe Nick had foreseen occurs. After a memorial service at McKinley Speedway, two of the spectators who followed Nick and his friends out of the stadium – Carter Daniels (Justin Welborn) and Samantha Lane (Krista Allen) – died violently in freak accidents: Carter is blown up with his tow truck and Samantha is killed by a flying rock propelled by a lawnmower, which goes through her eye. Before their deaths, Nick had seen omens of how they would die.

After hearing about Carter and Samantha's deaths on the news, Nick and Lori begin doing research, and learn about the disasters that occurred during the three previous incidents (the explosion of Flight 180, highway pile-up of Route 23, and roller coaster derailment in McKinley, Pennsylvania) and discover that the survivors (who were saved by premonitions) began dying in a series of improbable accidents shortly afterwards. While Hunt and Janet refuse to believe them, Nick and Lori manage to convince George that Death is after them and the trio begin trying to warn other survivors, though fail to save any except for Janet, who nearly drowns getting her car washed. The next survivors to die are Andy Kewzer (Andrew Fiscella), Hunt and Jonathan Grove (Jackson Walker).

Hunt later goes to the pool and his intestines are sucked in violently and George is abruptly killed just before Nick has a second premonition showing him that Lori and Janet will die while watching a film in a shopping mall cinema after an explosion in a room above the theatre. Nick rushes to reach them, while Lori begins spotting omens warning her that the danger is not over. Once Nick arrives, he and Lori attempt to convince Janet to leave, but are unsuccessful in their efforts. Janet is killed in the explosion and Lori also meets her demise by being crushed in an escalator. Nick then realizes that the event has not happened yet, and is able to save his friends by extinguishing the fire that would have caused the initial explosion.

Weeks later, the trio, thinking they have conquered Death's plan, celebrate surviving in a cafe. Nick notices a loose leg on a scaffold outside the cafe, and he tells a construction worker to fix it up. Once inside he drifts off into thought after seeing omens around him, and realizes that his premonitions and signs, along with all the disasters and deaths that had occurred since the speedway incident, are red herrings from Death used to manipulate them into where and when it would really come for them. Just as Nick realizes this, the scaffold falls, and in order to avoid it, a truck swerves, crashes through the cafe window, and kills the group, thus leaving all connected to the McKinley Speedway disaster dead.

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

A cam is a theater rip usually done with a digital video camera. A mini tripod is sometimes used, but a lot of the time this wont be possible, so the camera make shake. Also seating placement isn’t always idle, and it might be filmed from an angle. If cropped properly, this is hard to tell unless there’s text on the screen, but a lot of times these are left with triangular borders on the top and bottom of the screen. Sound is taken from the onboard microphone of the camera, and especially in comedies, laughter can often be heard during the film. Due to these factors picture and sound quality are usually quite poor, but sometimes we’re lucky, and the theater will be fairly empty and a fairly clear signal will be heard.

A telesync is the same spec as a CAM except it uses an external audio source (most likely an audio jack in the chair for hard of hearing people). A direct audio source does not ensure a good quality audio source, as a lot of background noise can interfere. A lot of the times a telesync is filmed in an empty cinema or from the projection booth with a professional camera, giving a better picture quality. Quality ranges drastically, check the sample before downloading the full release. A high percentage of Telesyncs are CAMs that have been mislabeled.
A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels. Sound and picture should be very good, but due to the equipment involved and cost telecines are fairly uncommon. Generally the film will be in correct aspect ratio, although 4:3 telecines have existed. A great example is the JURASSIC PARK 3 TC done last year. TC should not be confused with TimeCode , which is a visible counter on screen throughout the film.
A pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use. A screener is supplied on a VHS tape, and is usually in a 4:3 (full screen) a/r, although letterboxed screeners are sometimes found. The main draw back is a “ticker” (a message that scrolls past at the bottom of the screen, with the copyright and anti-copy telephone number). Also, if the tape contains any serial numbers, or any other markings that could lead to the source of the tape, these will have to be blocked, usually with a black mark over the section. This is sometimes only for a few seconds, but unfortunately on some copies this will last for the entire film, and some can be quite big. Depending on the equipment used, screener quality can range from excellent if done from a MASTER copy, to very poor if done on an old VHS recorder thru poor capture equipment on a copied tape. Most screeners are transferred to VCD, but a few attempts at SVCD have occurred, some looking better than others.
Same premise as a screener, but transferred off a DVD. Usually letterbox , but without the extras that a DVD retail would contain. The ticker is not usually in the black bars, and will disrupt the viewing. If the ripper has any skill, a DVDscr should be very good. Usually transferred to SVCD or DivX/XviD.
A copy of the final released DVD. If possible this is released PRE retail (for example, Star Wars episode 2) again, should be excellent quality. DVDrips are released in SVCD and DivX/XviD.
Transferred off a retail VHS, mainly skating/sports videos and XXX releases.
TV episode that is either from Network (capped using digital cable/satellite boxes are preferable) or PRE-AIR from satellite feeds sending the program around to networks a few days earlier (do not contain “dogs” but sometimes have flickers etc) Some programs such as WWF Raw Is War contain extra parts, and the “dark matches” and camera/commentary tests are included on the rips. PDTV is capped from a digital TV PCI card, generally giving the best results, and groups tend to release in SVCD for these. VCD/SVCD/DivX/XviD rips are all supported by the TV scene.
A workprint is a copy of the film that has not been finished. It can be missing scenes, music, and quality can range from excellent to very poor. Some WPs are very different from the final print (Men In Black is missing all the aliens, and has actors in their places) and others can contain extra scenes (Jay and Silent Bob) . WPs can be nice additions to the collection once a good quality final has been obtained.
DivX Re-Enc
A DivX re-enc is a film that has been taken from its original VCD source, and re-encoded into a small DivX file. Most commonly found on file sharers, these are usually labeled something like Film.Name.Group(1of2) etc. Common groups are SMR and TND. These aren’t really worth downloading, unless you’re that unsure about a film u only want a 200mb copy of it. Generally avoid.
A lot of films come from Asian Silvers/PDVD (see below) and these are tagged by the people responsible. Usually with a letter/initials or a little logo, generally in one of the corners. Most famous are the “Z” “A” and “Globe” watermarks.
Asian Silvers / PDVD
These are films put out by eastern bootleggers, and these are usually bought by some groups to put out as their own. Silvers are very cheap and easily available in a lot of countries, and its easy to put out a release, which is why there are so many in the scene at the moment, mainly from smaller groups who don’t last more than a few releases. PDVDs are the same thing pressed onto a DVD. They have removable subtitles, and the quality is usually better than the silvers. These are ripped like a normal DVD, but usually released as VCD.
VCD is an mpeg1 based format, with a constant bitrate of 1150kbit at a resolution of 352×240 (NTCS). VCDs are generally used for lower quality transfers (CAM/TS/TC/Screener(VHS)/TVrip(analogue) in order to make smaller file sizes, and fit as much on a single disc as possible. Both VCDs and SVCDs are timed in minutes, rather than MB, so when looking at an mpeg, it may appear larger than the disc capacity, and in reality u can fit 74min on a CDR74.
SVCD is an mpeg2 based (same as DVD) which allows variable bit-rates of up to 2500kbits at a resolution of 480×480 (NTSC) which is then decompressed into a 4:3 aspect ratio when played back. Due to the variable bit-rate, the length you can fit on a single CDR is not fixed, but generally between 35-60 Mins are the most common. To get a better SVCD encode using variable bit-rates, it is important to use multiple “passes”. this takes a lot longer, but the results are far clearer.
These are basically VCD/SVCD that don’t obey the “rules”. They are both capable of much higher resolutions and bit-rates, but it all depends on the player to whether the disc can be played. X(S)VCD are total non-standards, and are usually for home-ripping by people who don’t intend to release them.
DivX / XviD
DivX is a format designed for multimedia platforms. It uses two codecs, one low motion, one high motion. most older films were encoded in low motion only, and they have problems with high motion too. A method known as SBC (Smart Bit-rate Control) was developed which switches codecs at the encoding stage, making a much better print. The format is Ana orphic and the bit-rate/resolution are interchangeable. Due to the higher processing power required, and the different codecs for playback, its unlikely we’ll see a DVD player capable of play DivX for quite a while, if at all. There have been players in development which are supposedly capable, but nothing has ever arisen. The majority of PROPER DivX rips (not Re-Encs) are taken from DVDs, and generally up to 2hours in good quality is possible per disc. Various codecs exist, most popular being the original Divx3.11a and the new XviD codecs.
CVD is a combination of VCD and SVCD formats, and is generally supported by a majority of DVD players. It supports MPEG2 bit-rates of SVCD, but uses a resolution of 352×480(ntsc) as the horizontal resolution is generally less important. Currently no groups release in CVD.
Is the recordable DVD solution that seems to be the most popular (out of DVD-RAM, DVD-R and DVD+R). it holds 4.7gb of data per side, and double sided discs are available, so discs can hold nearly 10gb in some circumstances. SVCD mpeg2 images must be converted before they can be burnt to DVD-R and played successfully. DVD>DVDR copies are possible, but sometimes extras/languages have to be removed to stick within the available 4.7gb.
MiniDVD/cDVD is the same format as DVD but on a standard CDR/CDRW. Because of the high resolution/bit-rates, its only possible to fit about 18-21 mins of footage per disc, and the format is only compatible with a few players.
Misc Info
Regional Coding
This was designed to stop people buying American DVDs and watching them earlier in other countries, or for older films where world distribution is handled by different companies. A lot of players can either be hacked with a chip, or via a remote to disable this.
RCE (Regional Coding Enhancement) was designed to overcome “Multiregion” players, but it had a lot of faults and was overcome. Very few titles are RCE encoded now, and it was very unpopular.
Macrovision is the copy protection employed on most commercial DVDs. Its a system that will display lines and darken the images of copies that are made by sending the VHS signals it can’t understand. Certain DVD players (for example the Dansai 852 from Tescos) have a secret menu where you can disable the macrovision, or a “video stabaliser” costs about 30UKP from Maplin (www.maplin.co.uk)
NTSC and PAL are the two main standards used across the world. NTSC has a higher frame rate than pal (29fps compared to 25fps) but PAL has an increased resolution, and gives off a generally sharper picture. Playing NTSC discs on PAL systems seems a lot easier than vice-versa, which is good news for the Brits :) An RGB enabled scart lead will play an NTSC picture in full colour on most modern tv sets, but to record this to a VHS tape, you will need to convert it to PAL50 (not PAL60 as the majority of DVD players do.) This is either achieved by an expensive converter box (in the regions of £200+) an onboard converter (such as the Dansai 852 / certain Daewoos / Samsung 709 ) or using a World Standards VCR which can record in any format.
News Sites
There are generally 2 news sites, and I’m allowed to be biased :) For Games/Apps/Console :: www.theisonews.com is generally regarded as the best, but for VCD/SVCD/DivX/TV/XXX www.vcdquality.com displays screen grabs and allows feedback. **NOTICE** neither site offers movie downloads, and requesting movies/trades etc on the forums of either is NOT permitted.
Release Files
The movies are all supplied in RAR form, whether its v2 (rar>.rxx) or v3 (part01.rar > partxx.rar) form.
VCD and SVCD films will extract to give a BIN/CUE. Load the .CUE into notepad and make sure the first line contains only a filename, and no path information. Then load the cue into Nero/CDRWin etc and this will burn the VCD/SVCD correctly. TV rips are released as MPEG. DivX files are just the plain DivX – .AVI
An NFO file is supplied with each movie to promote the group, and give general iNFOrmation about the release, such as format, source, size, and any notes that may be of use. They are also used to recruit members and acquire hardware for the group.
Also supplied for each disc is an SFV file. These are mainly used on site level to check each file has been uploaded correctly, but are also handy for people downloading to check they have all the files, and the CRC is correct. A program such as pdSFV or hkSFV is required to use these files.
Usenet Information
To get onto newsgroups, you will need a news server. Most ISPs supply one, but this is usually of poor retention (the amount of time the files are on server for) and poor completition (the amount of files that make it there). For the best service, a premium news server should be paid for, and these will often have bandwidth restrictions in place
You will need a newsreader to access the files in the binary newsgroups. There are many different readers, and its usually down to personal opinion which is best. Xnews / Forte Agent / BNR 1 / BNR 2 are amongst the popular choices. Outlook has the ability to read newsgroups, but its recommended to not use that.
Usenet posts are often the same as those listed on VCDQUALiTY (i.e., untouched group releases) but you have to check the filenames and the description to make sure you get what you think you are getting. Generally releases should come down in .RAR sets. Posts will usually take more than one day to be uploaded, and can be spread out as far as a week.
PAR files
As well as the .rxx files, you will also see files listed as .pxx/.par . These are PARITY files. Parity files are common in usenet posts, as a lot of times, there will be at least one or two damaged files on some servers. A parity file can be used to replace ANY ONE file that is missing from the rar set. The more PAR files you have, the more files you can replace. You will need a program called SMARTPAR for this.
Scene Tags
Due to scene rules, whoever releases the first Telesync has won that race (for example). But if the quality of that release is fairly poor, if another group has another telesync (or the same source in higher quality) then the tag PROPER is added to the folder to avoid being duped. PROPER is the most subjective tag in the scene, and a lot of people will generally argue whether the PROPER is better than the original release. A lot of groups release PROPERS just out of desperation due to losing the race. A reason for the PROPER should always be included in the NFO.
In the case of a VCD, if a release is subbed, it usually means it has hard encoded subtitles burnt throughout the movie. These are generally in malaysian/chinese/thai etc, and sometimes there are two different languages, which can take up quite a large amount of the screen. SVCD supports switch able subtitles, so some DVDRips are released with switch able subs. This will be mentioned in the NFO file if included.
When a film has had a subbed release in the past, an Unsubbed release may be released
A limited movie means it has had a limited theater run, generally opening in less than 250 theaters, generally smaller films (such as art house films) are released as limited.
An internal release is done for several reasons. Classic DVD groups do a lot of .INTERNAL. releases, as they wont be dupe’d on it. Also lower quality theater rips are done INTERNAL so not to lower the reputation of the group, or due to the amount of rips done already. An INTERNAL release is available as normal on the groups affiliate sites, but they can’t be traded to other sites without request from the site ops. Some INTERNAL releases still trickle down to IRC/Newsgroups, it usually depends on the title and the popularity. Earlier in the year people referred to Centropy going “internal”. This meant the group were only releasing the movies to their members and site ops. This is in a different context to the usual definition.
Straight To Video. Was never released in theaters, and therefore a lot of sites do not allow these.
These are *WS* for widescreen (letterbox) and *FS* for Fullscreen.
A recode is a previously released version, usually filtered through TMPGenc to remove subtitles, fix color etc. Whilst they can look better, its not looked upon highly as groups are expected to obtain their own sources.
If a group releases a bad rip, they will release a Repack which will fix the problems.
A film can be nuked for various reasons. Individual sites will nuke for breaking their rules (such as “No Telesyncs”) but if the film has something extremely wrong with it (no soundtrack for 20mins, CD2 is incorrect film/game etc) then a global nuke will occur, and people trading it across sites will lose their credits. Nuked films can still reach other sources such as p2p/usenet, but its a good idea to check why it was nuked first in case. If a group realise there is something wrong, they can request a nuke.
NUKE REASONS :: this is a list of common reasons a film can be nuked for (generally DVDRip)
** BAD A/R ** :: bad aspect ratio, ie people appear too fat/thin
** BAD IVTC ** :: bad inverse telecine. process of converting framerates was incorrect.
** INTERLACED ** :: black lines on movement as the field order is incorrect.
Dupe is quite simply, if something exists already, then theres no reason for it to exist again without proper reason.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009


The story starts with two teenagers being attacked by a "humaniac," a horrendous one-eyed monster that comes down to the planet to turn everyone into zombies and take over the world. Then it is revealed that this is a mere movie, though the plotline resembles classical 1950s science fiction films.

Outside the theater is Planet 51, a world populated by little green aliens that live in a society similar to 1950s earth. Lem (Justin Long) is a teenage alien who has just gotten a job working at the local planetarium museum, and everyone in his neighborhood is excited about it. His best friend is Skiff (Seann William Scott), a geeky alien teen who works at the local comic book store, and is a huge fan of the "Humaniacs" films.

When Lem gets home, he asks his next door neighbor and friend, Eckle (Freddie Benedict) about Neera (Jessica Biel), a long-time crush of his. His family is holding a barbecue with the neighbors, so Neera is there, but when Lem attempts to ask her out, he keeps being interrupted by Neera's hippie friend, Glar.

Meanwhile, a mysterious spacecraft pulls into orbit, sending out a blinking red signal. Down on the planet, under a hidden army base called "Base 9" (the aliens' version of Area 51), there is a basement filled with artifacts from earth. One of them "wakes up" from the signal, and is a wheeled probe with an AI named "Rover." It breaks out of the basement and escapes, off to perform its primary mission: find astronaut. Its secondary mission is to collect rocks, (similar to Wall-E gathering garbage for compacting). Due to Rover's escape, the army becomes very suspicious of what's going on.

Meanwhile, just as the barbecue starts, a spacecraft similar to the lunar module touches down right in Lem's backyard. The astronaut (Dwayne Johnson), Charles 'Chuck' Baker, emerges, humming the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey. As Chuck plants the flag, he's startled to step on an alien "rubber ducky" someone left on the ground. Everyone stares, and Chuck attempts to get back into his module - but Eckle is in his way, eager for an autograph. Chuck ends up running about, shocked at the revelation that this is an inhabited planet. At one point, he gets hit by the mailman's scooter in the middle of the street and goes flying past the moon (in reference to E.T.). He goes into hiding soon after, while the army immediately arrives on the scene.

General Grawl (Gary Oldman) is at the head of the investigation, and consults Professor Kipple (John Cleese) on intelligence about the "alien invader." The army then quarantines the area and has locals start a local "civil defense" force to protect the citizens from becoming "zombies."

Up at the planetarium, Lem discovers Chuck hiding there, and both are surprised to learn that they speak the same language. Chuck introduces himself, and he's eager to get off the planet and get back home in time for the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards. It's then that Lem realizes the "alien" is no threat and decides to help him, though it costs him his job and a near arrest at the hands of the army. It soon becomes apparent that Chuck can't go anywhere near his module (which the aliens repeatedly call a "flying saucer"), so Lem hides him in his room for the night.

In the meantime, Rover locates Chuck, though he has to sneak past the soldiers patrolling the neighborhood. Chuck is very happy to see the robot when they reunite, though he tells Rover that the probe was not helpful because it only took pictures of rocks and not the little green men living on the planet. (This is what led to the misinformation that the planet was uninhabited). Skiff and Eckle are let in on Lem's secret, as are two soldiers who believe that they are being mind-controlled by Chuck.

Skiff and Lem decide that the people need to see Chuck is harmless, and the only way to do that is by having him talk to the press (who have been copiously helping feed the fear of the citizens). So they have the two soldiers smuggle Chuck to the comic book store and hide there while Lem goes to get the reporters. Before Lem leaves, he asks Chuck to help him with some advice regarding Neera; Chuck attempts to use what he calls "the right stuff," to show Lem how to woo her. In his attempt to find the reporters after, Lem has to face Neera, whom he had a falling out with when she and her friends (including Glar) were protesting the army's treatment of the alien and his craft. Chuck's advice in winning her back doesn't work well, and there is still friction between the two of them.

Back at the comic book store, Chuck is playing with Eckle, using the whole alien invader theme everyone keeps talking about, while the "mind-controlled" soldiers watch and Skiff bonds with Rover. At one point, Planet 51's signature "rock rain" starts falling, and Rover becomes ecstatic, since collecting rocks is what he does, and he starts "dancing" in the streets (in reference to Singin' in the Rain).

Unfortunately, Lem and Skiff's plans for peacefully introducing Chuck backfire when the reporters discover him in the bookstore and secretly film him quoting lines from Star Wars and The Terminator. The broadcast throws Lem's whole world into chaos, and he, Chuck, and his friends barely escape the soldiers hounding them through town. They hide Chuck in Lem's room again, though it's apparent that things have become decidedly worse. The army sets up barbed wire fence around the module, and Lem is angry at Chuck for turning his life upside down.

Things get even worse when General Grawl decides to set up a base in Lem's home. Lem and his friends just barely escape with Chuck before the general and his men search the kid's room. The group somehow manages to sneak Chuck into the planetarium, and while there, Chuck admits to Lem that he never had "the right stuff." He says that Lem was the one who had "the right stuff" all along, making risks and sacrifices just for a stranger. Chuck also shows Lem the star that Earth orbits, and how the universe is so much bigger than Lem had thought.

The next morning, the army brings in vehicles to take Chuck's module to a secret location. Even the press isn't allowed to tell where the spacecraft is going.

Lem and Skiff are at a loss for getting Chuck back into his craft, but then they get an idea from the comic book store. The very next night is opening night for a new "Humaniacs" movie, and there's a costume contest going on. Lem, Skiff, and Chuck disguise themselves as costumed fans, though Chuck gets accidentally pulled into the contest. As a cover for the army soldiers patrolling even the convention, Lem and Chuck go along with the contest. Chuck then introduces some new music as part of the contest and teaches Lem right on the spot how to dance. Things go well until Rover comes on the scene, and the aliens at the contest freak at the sight of him. Chaos ensues, and army soldiers are unmasking kids everywhere, since they now think the "alien" is among them. General Grawl and Professor Kipple are there, and when the general points out that the alien is wearing a "uniform," compared to the other costumed fans, Chuck's United States Flag insignia is a dead giveaway.

Chuck is captured and unmasked for all to see, and the General makes a great show of his disgust for the "alien." When Lem tries to defend Chuck and keep him from being taken away, General Grawl merely labels him as a zombie, and Professor Kipple announces that he will dissect both their brains. Chuck is not willing to drag Lem into this, so he pretends to "release" Lem from his control, and the crowd believes it. Both Chuck and Rover are locked in armored vehicles, and when the General makes it clear to Rover that he intends to take him apart, piece by piece, the little robot responds like a dog wetting itself in fear, only with oil. They're taken away, and Lem is proclaimed a hero of the community.

At Base 9, General Grawl attempts to get some answers out of a handcuffed Chuck, warning that if he tries taking over the minds of the soldiers in the room, a chain reaction will set off and everyone will shoot at each other and possibly be electrocuted. Chuck accidentally hits a button and sets off said chain reaction, though he's not at all affected by it. General Grawl mistakes this as resisting his demands, and allows Professor Kipple to have a go at Chuck's brain.

Lem gets his job back at the planetarium and gets to speak on tv, but he cannot truly accept the honor. He feels terrible about Chuck and decides to do the right thing. He hotwires a car, and at the same time Neera comes to talk to him, admiring what he's doing. Neera, Skiff, and Eckle join Lem as they go off to rescue Chuck. However, not only do they not know where the army took him, but they feel they can't really find the astronaut without Rover, who had also been taken by the army. But luck is on their side when the little robot shows up on the edge of town, revealing that he unscrewed all the bolts holding the armored vehicle he was in together.

They have Rover act as a bloodhound, sniffing out Chuck's trail, leading the kids to an abandoned gas station in the middle of the desert. They explore, and Skiff sees a "Coca-Cola" bottle in an old fridge, though when he tries to take it, it's actually a hidden trigger that opens up the entrance to Base 9. Lem has Glar distract the soldiers guarding the base with his protest group while they sneak in.

In a laboratory, Chuck is strapped to a table while Professor Kipple gets ready to take his brain out. Luckily, Lem and his friends break in through the ceiling, using Rover to scare away the scientists, technicians, and guards. They free Chuck and immediately set off alarms.

Rover helps the group find Chuck's module, which has been placed in a hangar, but General Grawl stops them. He warns that if the "alien" attempts to leave, the entire hangar will blow, and reveals that the place is rigged with bombs. Lem tries reasoning with him, when in fact it's a distraction to set off the bombs and use the confusion to help Chuck escape. Most of the soldiers flee the firestorm, and the General is knocked out amidst the falling debris. Lem, Neera, Eckle, Skiff, and Rover all get into the module, but Chuck decides he can't leave the General to die, and rescues him from the fire.

To escape the growing firestorm, Chuck pilots the ship up into orbit around the planet, allowing the alien kids to see what space is really like. Kiff, Eckle, and Rover enjoy the weightlessness, General Grawl realizes that Chuck is friendly and hasn't turned him into a zombie, and Lem finally gets to ask Neera out on a date.

Chuck pilots the module back down to the planet's surface, and although the army is ready to shoot as everyone walks out, the General stops them and explains that Chuck is with him. Finally the aliens of Planet 51 get to see that Chuck is harmless and never intended to hurt anyone. He lets Rover stay and become Skiff's pet, and says goodbye to everyone.

As the module is leaving, it's revealed that one of the alien "dogs" snuck on board.

Download Planet 51 R5 Size : 299.33MB

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To fill the boredom of training life. I'm trying to get used to save my life in my blog. maybe I'll start at year 2010. save all the important memories in my life second by second that I was going through minute by minute I'm living day by day I write all here. joy, sorrow and sacrifice everything will be lost.

"Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. .... Life is Precious" ... So, just live your life no matter how hard it is, cos your life is precious.......

Adobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation software, and is the flagship product of Adobe Systems. It has been described as "an industry standard for graphics professionals" and was one of the early "killer applications" on the Macintosh, later also for MS Windows.

Adobe's 2005 "Creative Suite" rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8's renaming to Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS4 is the 11th major release of Adobe Photoshop. The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numerous software packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. Adobe Photoshop is included in most of Adobe's Creative Suite offerings.

Photoshop's popularity, combined with its high retail price, makes Photoshop's piracy rate relatively high.Adobe countered by including SafeCast DRM starting with Adobe Photoshop CS.


Photoshop has strong ties with other Adobe software for media editing, animation, and authoring. The .PSD (Photoshop Document), Photoshop's native format, stores an image with support for most imaging options available in Photoshop. These include layers with masks, color spaces, ICC profiles, transparency, text, alpha channels and spot colors, clipping paths, and duotone settings. This is in contrast to many other file formats (e.g. .EPS or .GIF) that restrict content to provide streamlined, predictable functionality.

Photoshop's popularity means that the .PSD format is widely used, and it is supported to some extent by most competing software. The .PSD file format can be exported to and from Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere Pro, and After Effects, to make professional standard DVDs and provide non-linear editing and special effects services, such as backgrounds, textures, and so on, for television, film, and the Web. Photoshop is a pixel-based image editor, unlike Macromedia FreeHand (now defunct), Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw, which are vector-based image editors.

Photoshop can utilize the color models RGB, lab, CMYK, grayscale, binary bitmap, and duotone. Photoshop has the ability to read and write raster and vector image formats such as .EPS, .PNG, .GIF, .JPEG, and Adobe Fireworks.

Smart Layers display the filter without altering the original image (here on Mac OS X)

Photoshop CS3 is marketed with three main components of improvement over previous versions: "Work more productively, edit with unrivalled power, and composite with breakthrough tools." New features propagating productivity include streamlined interface, improved Camera Raw, better control over print options, enhanced PDF support, and better management with Adobe Bridge. Editing tools new to CS3 are the Clone Source palette and nondestructive Smart Filters, and other features such as the Brightness/Contrast adjustment and Vanishing Point module were enhanced. The Black and White adjustment option improves users control over manual grayscale conversions with a dialog box similar to that of Channel Mixer. Compositing is assisted with Photoshop's new Quick Selection and Refine Edge tools and improved image stitching technology.

Extended contains all features of CS3 plus tools for editing and importing some 3D graphics file formats, enhancing video, and comprehensive image analysis tools, utilizing MATLAB integration and DICOM file support.


Photoshop CS4 features additions such as the ability to paint directly on 3D models, wrap 2D images around 3D shapes, convert gradient maps to 3D objects, add depth to layers and text, get print-quality output with the new ray-tracing rendering engine, and enjoy exporting to supported common 3D formats; the new Adjustment and Mask Panels; Content-aware scaling (also known as seam carving[9]); Fluid Canvas Rotation and File display options.[10] On 30 April, Adobe released Photoshop CS4 Extended, which includes all the same features of Adobe Photoshop CS4 with the addition of capabilities for scientific imaging, 3D, and high end film and video users. The successor to Photoshop CS3, Photoshop CS4 is the first 64-bit Photoshop on consumer computers (only on Windows – the OS X version is still 32-bit only.)


Adobe is expected to release a new version of Photoshop, entitled Photoshop CS5, in the second quarter of 2010.

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Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, and Pluto star in the series, which focuses on interacting with the viewer to stimulate problem solving. Ludwig Von Drake, Chip 'n Dale, Pete, Mr. Pettibone, Willie the Giant, Clarabelle Cow, Butch, Figaro the Kitten, Humphrey the Bear, Salty the Seal, Buzz-Buzz the Bee and Mortimer Mouse have made guest appearances.

Each episode has the characters help viewers "solve a specific age-appropriate problem utilizing basic skills, such as identifying shapes and counting through ten."[citation needed] The series uses Playhouse Disney’s "whole child" curriculum of cognitive, social and creative learning opportunities. Once the problem of the episode has been explained, Mickey invites viewers to join him at the Mousekadoer, a giant Mickey-head shaped computer whose main function is to distribute the day's Mousekatools - a collection of objects needed to solve the day's problem - to Mickey. Once the tools have been shown to Mickey on the Mousekadoer screen, they are quickly downloaded to Toodles - a small, Mickey-head shaped flying extension of the Mousekadoer. By calling, "Oh Toodles!" Mickey summons him to pop up from where he's hiding and fly up to the screen so that the viewer can pick which tool Mickey needs for the current situation. One of the tools is a "Mystery Mouskatool", which is a surprise tool represented by a question mark.

The Walt Disney Television Animation-produced program was initially announced on March 1, 2005 by Gary Marsh, Executive Vice President, Original Programming and Production, Disney.

Mickey and friends previously appeared on television in Mickey Mouse Works (1999-2001) and Disney's House of Mouse (2001-2002).

The show features two original songs performed by They Might Be Giants, including the opening theme song, in which a variant of a Mickey Mouse Club chant ("Meeska Mooska Mickey Mouse!") is used to summon the Clubhouse. They Might Be Giants also perform the song used at the end of the show, "Hot Dog!", which echoes Mickey's first spoken words in the 1929 short The Karnival Kid.

This is the first time the major Disney characters have appeared on television in computer-animated form (except for Donald, who appeared in CG in the Mickey Mouse Works short "Computer.don"). The characters debuted in CG form in 2003 at the Magic Kingdom theme park attraction Mickey's PhilharMagic, then in the 2004 home video Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas. However, in this latest incarnation, Mickey's and Minnie's 3D renderings are truer to their original hand-drawn likenesses, in that their ears remain distinct perfect circles regardless of which way their heads are turned. Along with improved animation for the second season.

Download Mickeys Adventures In Wonderland (2009) DvDRiP XviD-Extra Scene

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

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A montage during the opening credit sequence details the film's backstory and the origin of the Hulk. General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (William Hurt) meets with Dr. Bruce Banner (Edward Norton), the colleague and lover of his daughter Betty (Liv Tyler). He wants him to revive a World War II-era military supersoldier project, but tells Banner the goal of the experiment is to make human beings immune to gamma radiation. The experiment fails, transforming Banner into the monstrous Hulk (voiced by Lou Ferrigno), and injuring Betty. Now a fugitive from the United States Army, Banner has been on the run for five years.

As the film opens, Banner works at a soda bottling factory in Rocinha while searching for a cure for his condition (through analyzing the properties of certain rare Amazonian plants and herbs) with the help of a colleague on the Internet, known only as "Mr. Blue", and to whom he is known as "Mr. Green". He is also learning meditative breathing techniques from a martial arts expert, played by Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu legend Rickson Gracie, to help regulate his pulse rate and keep his anger under control, and has not transformed in 158 days. After Banner cuts his finger, a drop of his blood ends up in one of the bottles, and is eventually ingested by an ill-fated consumer (Stan Lee) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This accident points Ross to Banner's location and he sends a team, led by Russian-born British special ops expert Emil Blonsky (Tim Roth), to capture him. Banner escapes by transforming into the Hulk and defeating every member of the military team. After Ross explains how Banner first became the Hulk, a vengeful Blonsky agrees to be injected with a small amount of a new super soldier serum, which gives him enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes, endurance and healing.

Meanwhile, Banner returns to Culver University (where the Hulk was born) in Virginia and reunites with Betty, who is dating psychiatrist Leonard Samson (Ty Burrell). On the day he decides to leave, Ross and Blonsky's forces attack Banner at Culver University to draw out the Hulk, having been tipped off by the suspicious Samson. The Hulk wins the battle, putting Blonsky in the hospital despite his recent "upgrade", and flees with Betty. After he calms down, Banner and Betty go on the run. After several stops, Banner again makes contact with "Mr. Blue", who urges them to travel to New York City to meet him. He turns out to be cellular biologist Dr. Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson), a college professor. They learn that Sterns has developed a possible antidote that may cure Banner's condition, or merely reverse each individual transformation. After a successful test, Sterns reveals that he has synthesized Banner's blood sample (which he sent from Brazil) into a large supply with the intention of using it to bring humans to the next evolutionary level. Appalled by what Sterns had done and fearful of the Hulk's power falling into the wrong hands, Banner attempts to convince Sterns to destroy the blood supply, but he is attacked by Ross' forces and taken into custody with Betty.

While Sterns is interrogated by a female soldier about his work, Blonsky strikes her down and demands that Sterns inject him with Banner's blood sample, as he covets the awesome power of the Hulk. Sterns warns that the combination of the supersoldier formula (which Blonsky has overdosed on, slightly deforming his skeleton) and a gamma treatment would be an unpredictable combination that could turn him into an "abomination". Unconcerned, Blonsky forces Sterns to administer the gamma charge, and he mutates into a hideous monster, with strength and power that surpasses that of the Hulk, but retaining Blonsky's intelligence and personality. He knocks Sterns aside and escapes, rampaging through Harlem to draw the Hulk out. At the lab, an irradiated sample of Banner's blood-derivative drips into an open wound on Sterns' temple, causing his cranium to mutate and expand, much to his delight.

Banner, realizing that the Hulk is the only one who can stop the monster, convinces General Ross to release him. He falls from Ross' helicopter as it hovers over the city, hoping the fall will trigger a transformation. As he falls towards the ground, Banner panics, finally triggering the transformation. Banner's plan succeeds, and after a long and brutal battle throughout Harlem, the Hulk defeats Blonsky by nearly strangling him to death with a huge chain, relenting his grip only after Betty's plea. After having a small, peaceful moment with Betty, the Hulk flees. Thirty-one days later, Banner is in Bella Coola, British Columbia. Instead of trying to suppress his transformations, he is attempting to initiate them in a controlled manner. As his eyes turn green a grin appears on his face. Meanwhile, General Ross is drinking in a bar when he is approached by industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.), who casually reveals that a "team" is being put together.

Download The Incredible Hulk DVDRip (2008) Size : 696.57MB
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